
Solar Panels installed at a DIL school by Zakat Foundation of America

ZF-retina-en-logoMany schools in Pakistan function without electricity, which prevents students from gaining knowledge in optimal conditions. Not only do the heat and poor lighting cause distractions, the power outages also hinder the use of technological resources such as computers.

The Zakat Foundation of America, through its implementing partner Stellargenesys, provides solar energy solutions to charitable institutions such as schools and heallth clinics in marginalised localities of Pakistan. They recently provided a complete solar power back-up system for DIL Elementary School, Khairabad Campus (J 7) in Orangi. With their contribution, 211 DIL students,( 121 girls and 90 boys), are gaining education in a comfortable and conducive environment. 12 faculty members are also reaping the benefits from the solar installation as they get to work in comfortable surroundings.

DIL appreciates the support ZFA has extended towards our mission to educate and empower underprivileged students, especially girls, across Pakistan.