


Established in 1997, Developments in Literacy USA is a 501(c) 3 organization registered in the state of California. The organization has an operating budget of over $2.5 million and has been rated as a 4 star-rated charity by the independent rating organization, Charity Navigator. DIL USA.

DIL Trust UK

Developments in Literacy (DIL) Trust UK guides and oversees all fund raising efforts in the United Kingdom, and adheres to the guidelines set out by the Charity Commission. DIL Trust UK.

DIL Canada

Developments in Literacy (Canada) has chapters in Otawa and Toronto. The organization has been supporting quality education for girls and boys in Sindh province and raises over $60,000 annually. DIL Canada.

DIL Hong Kong

Established in 2013, Developments in Literacy (DIL) Hong Kong is newest affiliate to join the DIL family. DIL Hong Kong provides financial support for DIL partner schools operating near Multan, Punjab province, an area in need of quality education, especially for girls.


Focus on Girls Education:
Over 68% of DIL’s student population is female. The national literacy rate for women in Pakistan stands at 38%.

Addressing the Needs of Rural Educators and Students

Child-Centered Education:
Child-centered education emphasizes creativity and critical thinking skills. DIL’s approach results in improved student retention and learning outcomes.

Activity-Based Lesson Plans:
In this inquiry-based approach, students develop knowledge and understanding through learning activities.

Monitoring and Evaluation:
The key to the success of DIL’s projects is a robust monitoring framework and complete financial transparency.